Safety and Health

The healthcare field has always been incredibly important, but in recent years health and wellness has been on the forefront of many people’s minds and healthcare workers across the country are swamped. Just because business is booming, doesn’t mean healthcare offices shouldn’t continue working to promote their physicians, facilities, and services. Robert Sharp & Associates works with a wide variety of clients in the medical field to redesign their websites, post on their social media platforms, emphasize and attract skilled employees/hiring opportunities, and much more!

In 2020 alone RSA helped a Black Hills business reach 6.1 million impressions and 26,000 visits to their website with a top-of-mind awareness display campaign.

RSA's Keys for Safety and Health Marketing

  1. Find a fun way to market products and services
  2. Provide quality data showcasing your knowledge and expertise
  3. Make it easy for patients to learn about you and get in contact

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