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Build a New Website and They Won’t Come – Unless You’re Willing to Put in the Effort After It Launches

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Are you one of the millions of people globally preparing to launch a website at this very moment with the hope that you’ll reach your customers and grow your business? Great! Get in line. With over 547,200 websites launching on a daily basis worldwide, you’ll quickly find that your new website is merely a grain of sand on its own in a sprawling desert. How on Earth can you expect your new website to rise to acclaim in a sea of billions of websites? While the answer to stand out can be quite complex, it’s as simple as implementing the right post-launch strategy to gain traffic traction.

Some mass website development companies will tell you “build a new website and the customers will come to you” – a scheme that you’ll quickly find is quite the contrary. Without the proper post-launch strategy to market your new website, products, and services, you’re likely to find little to no headway made in attracting your target clientele. It’s like showing up to a job interview, decked out in a suit and forgetting to put on shoes. You’ve clearly put in the effort to impress, but you forgot a key component of your outfit, therefore dooming your opportunity to get the job. Sure, you can launch a beautiful new website, but unless you have the right complementary strategy to bring people to your site and provide new experiences over time, you can’t expect it to go anywhere. Does that thought scare you? If so, you should probably keep reading.

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Setting Your Business Up For Success Post-Website Launch:

In working to craft a comprehensive strategy to drive people to your new website, it’s vital to consider the objectives you hope to achieve on your website. Are you looking to generate awareness? Establish validity and affinity? Convert prospective customers to current customers? Whatever objectives you have in mind, it’s important that you build your strategy around them with relevant content, visuals, and more. Here are some effective ways you can increase traffic to your website, and extend its shelf life in the long run:

Via Social Media platforms:

If you’ve already developed an established community of followers on platforms like Facebook or Instagram, generating website traffic may be as simple as sharing organic content that drives your followers to key pages on your website. If you’re a new business, or even an already established business looking to grow, you may find that organic social content just won’t do the trick. Considering your website objectives, it is likely in your best interest to pursue paid advertising on social platforms that are relevant to your business. For example, if you’re a B2C business, marketing your products, services, and value to customers on Facebook or Instagram may be optimal, while B2B businesses may find better luck on platforms like LinkedIn. With varied targeting solutions within each platform, the right paid advertising strategy will enable your business to reach a broader spread of your target audience than ever before. Sure, you’ll be paying for the attention of your customers, but generating long-term clientele will pay off your incurred expenses in no time!

Take your SEO to the next level with Paid Search Ads:

Unless you’ve come up with a world-saving product or service, chances are competition for search terms related to your products or services is already fierce locally, nationally, and globally. Even with the very best SEO practices implemented on your website, you may still find difficulty ranking for related search terms amidst the minutia of noise from your competitors. By implementing a strategic Google Search Campaign, you can reach your target audience in a snap by purchasing ad space for relevant search terms. With solutions like Google Keyword Planner and other SEO measurement tools at your fingertips, you can easily identify, select, and assess different keywords to direct ad spend towards in the hope of being seen first by your customers. Even with the most top tier rankings, any competitors paying for keywords will appear first in searches, therefore hindering your ability to attract the interest of prospective customers. It’s in this vein that we strongly encourage new businesses or businesses with fierce competition to pursue keyword buying strategies to give your search rankings an extra boost! Keep the following idea in mind: “Appear First, Convert First”

And Don’t Forget: Your New Website is Only As Good As Its Last Update

Developing a new website is not only time consuming, but can also be expensive – with an average 3-5 year lifespan before you need a complete layout and content revamp. With much time and expenses poured into your new website, it’s important to realize that your website is really only as good as its last update. Sure, you can have a beautiful new website, but you’ll find that content and features can become outdated quite quickly. By regularly dedicating time to update the content and visuals on your website, not only will your customers find new experiences waiting for them each time they load your site, but you’ll help continually freshen the look and feel of your website to adequately address your own needs. Here at Robert Sharp & Associates, we find that blogs, content refreshes, and photo changes are the most effective ways to give your website the facelift it needs while it ages.

In closing, standing out with a new website is not as easy as launching it and leaving it be. It takes much time, consideration, and planning to craft the perfect strategy for your business’ ongoing success. Not sure where to start? Robert Sharp & Associates can help. As Western South Dakota’s only full-service marketing agency, our multi-decade track record of excellence in web development, digital marketing, and content writing is sure to bring your business the success you’re looking for.

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